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A new graduate program for leadership excellence beginning in October.

"Future graduates will have the academic knowledge that provides the framework for interpreting their experiences and for effective decision-making, they will have developed the skills for personal effectiveness, and they will understand the dynamics of emotional and social relations in an interdependent workplace."

Dennis Burke
Business Professor at Coker College

Copyright 2016 Coker College

Master of Science in Management & Leadership 

Expand your skills and earn the credentials needed to effectively lead an organization, from motivating individuals and mobilizing teams to strategizing and implementing long-term plans. Students will be immersed in a 30-hour curriculum relevant to today’s business world. Become a leader in your industry with in-depth knowledge across the following subject areas:

Classes slated to start Fall 2017

Positive Leadership

Decision Making

Strategic Planning

Building and sustaining teams

Developing and retaining human capital

Anticipating and executing organizational change 

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